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Ditch Operation Schedule

Schedule when the flume gauge is at a minimum of 0.6
(A notification will be sent out if water gets below this level and the schedule needs adjustments.)

How is the schedule determined?

The water shares can also be expressed in hours of usage per share.

There is 168 hours in a full week (24 x 7 = 168). 

Therefore, each share of the WPDC is entitled to 2 hours of all the water (168 hours/82.35 shares=2.04).

This is mostly useful for the users wanting to flood irrigate instead of pumping their water. Flood irrigation requires a large amount of water in a short amount of time in order to be effective.

The WPDC designed the schedule to accommodate the various needs of its users as best as possible while respecting each shareholder's deeded volume .

Water Shares divided by ditch branch (South-Diagonal-West)
This table will be used to determine the low flow schedule.
* Excluding Lot #3 and #21 that takes all the water at once for their allocated number of hours.

Where is my water ???

Please follow the checklist below if you are wondering why your water level is not as expected:


1- Review the schedule carefully to make sure water is scheduled to be flowing in your ditch.


2- Look on the Blog page to see is there is any notification of water restriction or ditch closure.


3- Walk your ditch up to the next gate to look for obstructions and see if the boards are setup according to the schedule.


4- Upstream users outside of Dallas Meadows, may be taking the water. We are not coordinated with their usage schedule.


5- Verify the water level on the Parshall flume on county road 5.  The standard level is  0.6 on the scale.


6- Verify that the Headgate is not obstructed at the junction with Dallas Creek.

Board Setup Instruction 

For each gate number listed in the schedule, the wood board with the associated color label should be placed down. For example: G1,2,3 Red Labels means that each gate should have the board with a red label installed to get proper flow distribution between all ditches.
See ditch map layout for gate location. Ditch map


The information available on this website is intended for Wood-Perry DItch Company Shareholders Exclusively.

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